Baldy Heights
"Baldy Heights" is an original 3D animated tale set in the intriguing world of Curly Hills, where hair is revered and percussion instruments are banned. The story follows teenager Lilly Pileous, who plays in an underground band that receives rhythm section transmissions from Baldy Heights, their adversary. When her secret love and band drummer, Ragtop, goes missing and the Secret Police raid their practice, Lilly embarks on a daring quest to find him.
Crossing the impenetrable Wall that separates the two worlds, Lilly finds herself in Baldy Heights, where baldness is mandatory and strictly enforced. In this new environment, Lilly uncovers the truth about Win, the drummer and son of Governor Baldwin, who hides his one rebellious hair. Together, Lilly and Win decide to unite their divided worlds through music, planning a groundbreaking concert to show that the Wall can be crossed. Their daring move challenges oppressive regimes and demonstrates that despite their differences, the two societies are fundamentally the same.
"Baldy Heights" showcases Pitchipoy's expertise in creating high-quality 3D animation. This project uses advanced animation techniques to bring the unique worlds of Curly Hills and Baldy Heights to life. The film's distinctive aesthetic and compelling narrative make it a standout in the animation landscape.
Pitchipoy excels in crafting animation that captivates audiences of all ages. Our team of skilled animators and storytellers has a proven track record of delivering successful projects. With "Baldy Heights," we aim to create a unique blend of adventure, fantasy, and thought-provoking themes.
We are seeking co-production partners to bring "Baldy Heights" to life. If you are a producer looking for an innovative and captivating animation project, contact Pitchipoy. Let's create an unforgettable feature film together. Reach out to us today to discuss collaboration.